The Process
Home feel tumultuous? Unrestful? Or like you just want to leave the place? Or maybe you can't leave and feel compelled to stay in one room? If so, you may have a negative energy blockage or possibly even negative entities hanging out in your space! That's not good and it's probably creating stressful circumstances in your life that you are not even conscouisly aware of. Don't feel bad! It happens to soo many people, and it happened to me too. But I learned over the course of the last 15 years how to get rid of them. I got so good at clearing energy that I could do with one breath! And I want to teach that to YOU! I'lll show you the simple steps that I started with and still use today to along with more advanced methods of clearing. Anyone can do this! No matter your religion. All you need is a strong will, a willingness to learn and an open heart! You can absolutely do it. I'll see you inside! XO Kristin
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