A scientist of love. Every path of my life has led me to self love. Overcoming, again and again, the pain of abuse, to see that I have always had ALL of the power. My captor was ultimately my initiator into The Great Work. And OH is it GREAT!
My mission is to relate this information to YOU so that you overcome whatever life is throwing at you! Through mentorship and energetic entrainment, YOU WILL RISE UP!
Hi! I'm Kristin.

I have heard the voice of God say “I Love you”.
I have astral travelled through walls.
I have time travelled into my other lives.
I have traveled to the gates of life in “Heaven” through a wormhole, riding in my activated merkabah.
I have felt the ineffable LOVE of the divine.
I have made love to Pan.
I have made love to the God and Goddess that you are.
I have accessed the akashic records through sexual pleasure, transmuting layers of ancestral & collective trauma with total acceptance and love.
The voice of God.

I have heard the voice of God say “I Love you”.
I have astral travelled through walls.I have time travelled into my other lives.
I have traveled to the gates of life in “Heaven” through a wormhole in my activated merkabah.
I have felt the ineffable LOVE of the divine.
I have made love to Pan.
I have made love to the God and Goddess that you are.
I have accessed the akashic records through sexual pleasure, transmuting layers of ancestral & collective trauma with total acceptance and love.
I hear the voice of God.

I have removed layer after layer of guilt, shame and shrinking to come to this moment.
I am more than "too much" I am ALL!
I am Goddess!
As are YOU.
Too much!

I have orgasms that last hours, sometimes days.
I have experienced embodied pleasure that lasted months with my tears streaming down my cheeks from the sheer joy of it.
I have gone deep into the darkness of this world and found compassion for all that is.
I have come to find the sacred in ALL things, the true power of feminine energy.
I have expanded my body’s ability to hold more light, more frequency, more divinity. I want this for you too!
Hold more light

If you're in a rough place, my book may help!
Buy one for yourself, or someone you know may need a little guidance through the land of overcoming abuse.

I am your fearless and ready to serve guide on YOUR journey to overflowing, divinley embodied, sovereignty.
Know it!
Please do not shrink.
I won’t either.
We are needed.