There is a higher state of bliss available to humanity that is 100 times more powerful that a really good orgasm. But most of you will never get to find it because of the beliefs you hold on to about sex, the shame and guilt arround it and the programming of your mind concerning it.
Men are taught that they "deserve" sex and will get it however they can.
Women are led into confusion about it. Being told to be sexy and alluring but also be classy and not "too much".
Both of these things are lies. Polar lies.
Men, you must worship the goddess before you in order to open the flower and get the prize. You can NOT take it. It just doesn't work that way. Trust is the way. And Love is the door. Your true power is in honoring and supporting your women.
Women, you are innately connected to the divine, a portal for life, naturally sensual. You've been taught to either exploit or deny this and that has degraded your true beauty. Weaponizing sexuality to manipulate another is a lie. Your true power is in gifting your pleasure.
To rebalance the men and women and create a more blissful life on Earth, you must first self regulate and command your inner energy. You must first re write your beliefs and know that you are magnificent the way you are. You are created perfectly with precision.
So. Step one is self love. Drop the ego and truly love who you are right in the moment. The messy, smelly, human animal that you are is imbued with divinity consciousness. Find that within you. Honor that. Connect to your heart, your heart knows!
All this is fine and dandy, but if it is one sided it is extemely difficult. It takes the awareness and comitment of the two together in a new realm of beliefs. Then the exchange can begin and true bliss can be achieved.
Stop being selfish and taking and manipulating. Start being self loving and honoring to all beings setting them free with your love.
At the very CORE.... it is self love. This is where you find bliss. In your heart.
Self love is... Honoring your deepest heart's whisper.
If you can't hear it, you need to start to listen. Take quiet moments for your heart and listen to its soft urges. You have been bombarded (on purpose) and all the noise has drowned out the whisper. Take the time to listen!
It's the most important thing you can do.
