We are in such an amazing time of shift right now. Restructuring , rebranding and pivoting are happening all over the planet and in each individual's life.
In my own life, I have been hesitant to step forward and jump into the unknown. I have not always been that way and I came to realize recently that my reluctance to take a chance is deeply rooted in PTSD. If you read my book, Roll The Dice, you know what I mean.
There is a chapter on growth and healing and how it is not linear! We have up and downs as we move into the next level of growth. And our growth does not stop when we get to a new platteau! We just keep going. The journey.
So I find myself tired lately, but also with a deep sense that things are just getting started! I slept til 8 am this moring! Thats a big deal for me. I am usually up at 5. But my mind is clearer. My path is sharper and I am moving down it with a powerful sense of purpose.
This is the upgrading of frequency that is happening in this time for all beings. It is time to walk through the reluctance and armoring of our souls and open our hearts to the begining of something far more grand than we can imagine.
We are creators! Manifestors. How we feel creates our reality. At the highest levels, this is done simply by feeling. Enjoy and be grateful for all that is around you and you will be operating in the highest timeline. It's that simple. I understand that the trauma and uncertainty and fear can shift those feelings into terror. Oh I get it! But... if you can find a feeling of peace within, of accomplishment within, of love for all that is WITHIN, you will ride this wave easily!
One of my teachers always said, the higest of magicians only work on a feeling and allow the universe to deliver on that. That is how "simple" it is. But of course that is not "easy". Sustained thought and feeling generate the most power in our bodies. So the key here is to be able to hold a higher frequency. Hold more light. Without blowing out your system. The easy way to do this is through gratitude of what is.
In sex magic, most people have lustful visions, but it is far more rooted in frequency and the ability to contain that frequency for longer and longer. You don't necesarily need to be having actual sex to do this. You don't even need a partner, because YOU are that powerful that you can raise your frequency and contain higher vibrations all on your own. Your magic is your frequency! Sex or no sex. If you can't get your frequency aligned, the sex is just lust.
This is all part of walking into the new world. Love. Love all that is. Have gratitude for all that is. The shift is happening. We have been in it for some time now. The way through this "hard" time is rooted deepply in LOVE and GRATITUDE. Have no fear. Fear is a killer. You have nothing to fear, you are more powerful that anything. You only need to prove it to yourself through cultivating those emotions that YOU desire to feel and allow those feeling to radiate through your heart into the world around you.
Your emotions are your magnetic powers of attracting and creating the world around you. Be steadfast!
Now is the time to double down on loving what it! No judgment. Just love.
Practice creating a feeling of peace and love with every breath. This is the way! It all starts with loving yourself. Let go of all your trauma, we are not taking that with us. If you have not downloaded my fee cord cutting meditation, now is the time!
We are creating something brand new!
I love you. I see you. I feel you.
May the golden light shine upon you and guide you!
You got this.
WE got this!
