I asked this question and here are a few of the answers...
Being connected beyond the physical in which you grow in love and connection to one another. You heal one another and trust by being real.
I view sacred sexuality as connecting with another soul in a very tangible and transformational way, and it's a gateway to profound personal and interpersonal growth.
Respecting my body
Kundalini rising
True connection
Part of me feels sex itself is sacred and other parts of me think about a connection so intense with someone.
Sacred sexuality means connecting with a woman in an intimate way beyond just the physical.
One of the things I notice in these answers is the obviously missing part.
And that is that you are a sacred being, therefore your sexual nature IS SACRED!
What is your sexual nature? Well, you are inhabiting a body on Earth.
Earth is a magical place where creatures and plants can reproduce and evolve.
In order to partake in this most glorious plane of existence, you have the Rolls Royce of technology ... your body. Your sexual nature is part of it's motherboard. It is a massive part actually.
Being in denial of your own sacredness in EVERY aspect is the disease of our time. Nothing is "sacred". But the truth is the exact opposite. EVERYTHING is sacred! The good, the bad, the ugly. The shamefull and the desrtuction. It is ALL part of this sacred life. The the grounding force, the creative force, the life force is... your sexual nature.
Remembering this is what the great awakening as all about
It's your realization that every bit and part of you, and this place we call home, IS INEXTRICABLY SACRED. From your anger to your sexuality. It can not be separated from the whole being that you are. It IS essential software! Your sexuality is your creative energy and power.
Taking control of this power from inside of yourself is becoming sovereign.
You are Sacred Sexuality. It's YOU!
Born as a unique spark of the Divine.
What is Sacred Sexuality?
You are.
I am.
We are.
Sacred Sexuality for beginers.....
#1. Deeply know that all that you experience, is because of you. It's all you.
#2. Figure out how YOU work. What makes you tic?
#3. Work YOU!
Thoughts? Drop them in the comments. Talk soon!
And if you want to be the first to in line when my workshop, "Sexual Sovereign" opens for registration, get on the vip list here...
