Sovereign: a supreme ruler.
You are going to be hearing this word a lot in the coming days. Most of those who wield this word are thinking in terms of government and land. But there is a far larger scene going on here. Humanity has been enslaved for eons. Yet the nature of humanity is in fact god like. We are indeed sovereign beings who have forgotten who we are.
Droves of people are waking up to the misogyny and exploitation of the people from all over the globe. This has been done to both sexes with a will to keep your divinity from you.
Now, understand that rewiring your brain may take time. It WILL take tenacity and strength, but you will become more and more free from the atrocities of this realm every moment that you continue this task.
My name is Kristin and I want to share some wisdom that I have gained over the course of the last 50 years of my life. I have spent most of my days and nights studying and seeking the truths of this strange place we call Earth. Listen with an open mind and an open heart.
Don’t think. Feel.
You are a multidimensional being of light information experiencing these dimensions all at once. You have the ability to shift the world around you. That IS the game. You are a co-creator of this reality. Using your attention and focus. (Why do you think our societies keep us so distracted?)
You come to this planet through a magnetic field that wipes the memory clean. But the heart knows. You chose to come here to be a part of this wild process. But you also have been duped into the idea of karma, thinking that you MUST come back again and again and again or dead is dead, or the comming of "heaven".
As you believe so it shall be.
Now, the collective consciousness is full of things you can attach your belief system to. All of us have been brought up with some form of belief system according to the societies that we came up in. This is the collective consciousness.
You have SOVEREIGNTY over that!
What does that mean, you have the POWER TO CHANGE AND CHOOSE YOUR REALITY.
You; re in dense physical matter so it does take time, but KNOW IT! What you focus on with belief WILL happen!
You ARE that powerful.
If you believe you are a Pleadian starseed, you will create that reality.
If you believe you are a :bad" person then your reality will reflect that.
If you want foreigners to leave because they are mucking up your country, then they will muck up your country and you will feel anger.
Here is the higher truth, not only are we ALL foreigners on this planet, we ALL have indiginous tribal roots from early humans on the planet. We are ALL tribal. We are ALL connected. WE ARE ONE WITH ALL!
ALL! Every planet adn star, every human that ever lived, every "alien" from outer space, every Angel, every deity, every grain of sand. ALL ALL ALL
You may identify as being a follower of Jesus, and when you die you will see him. You may follow Buddah, Jah, Jehova, and when you die you will see THEM….. Your experience is a total custom job.
Not one person on this planet is “wrong”. We are all unique.
The difficult thing in our times, if you are a “good” person, is to come to terms with “bad” people. And this IS so tricky. The only way to counter balance bad is with good, and vice versa. We live in a duality. We have positive and negative in order to create this reality. They're are BOTH NECESSARY!
It is up to you in your experience to find love and joy for ALL. When you do that, you alchemize the negativity, you love it, and in so doing you disarm it. Following that, more and more peace will rise. More beauty will arise.
Love is NOT the opposite of fear or hate, LOVE is ALL. Real love encompasses all!
Peace doesn’t come from war. Peace comes from LOVE. Why? Becasue love accepts all as it is and it removes the friction that causes more of that thing to be created. Love removes the friction with acceptance and compassion.
Love like a WARRIOR with tenacity, with strength and with the power to choose your reality. CHOOSE and create. And you will need to! This is no easy task braking free from the program. But I believe in you.
Real love, unconditional love, sees all, accepts all with peace, understands all. It is not the romantic sappy good vibes only LIE that we have been programed with! It IS the act of compassion for ALL.
And the ONLY place to begin this kind of love is with yourself. See and accept every bit of yourself.
In the unique choosing of your soul, you become a co creator of the reality we all live in and you override the “program”.
Think on this. Wrap your mind around it. You literally get what you believe you will get. It is THAT SIMPLE.
Already, right now, you just need to remember.
Whe you get this, your reality will shift dramastically! That's my word I made up, like it?
If you want to dive deeper into this with me, I am hosting a live worshop called Sexual Sovereign very soon.
October 26th at 10 am live on Zoom.
Until next time Love Warrior!
You got this!
